family health insurance

Easy steps to know about pre-medical tests in health insurance plan

The current scenario reminds us of the uncertain times we are living in. It also emphasizes the importance of health insurance plans in today’s dynamic era. The health insurance plans and policies are manifold. It covers the most type of medical costs and treatments bills and assists you in recovering financially in a quick and effective manner. Accident insurance policy, maternity insurance, and family health insurance are some of the current age’s popular health insurance policies.

Although getting a health insurance plan is a lot easier nowadays, there is more process to it that many of us are not aware of. Pre-medical tests are mandatory before getting the health insurance plan of your choice. So, to guide you in the right manner, here are some of the easy steps to know about pre-medical tests in the health insurance plan.

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Pre-medical tests – A brief summary

Pre-medical tests are nothing but a series of medical examinations done on a policyholder to check the wellness of their health before they opt for a health insurance plan. By giving such tests, the insurance provider will extend the tenure of the policyholder. Most people above the age of 45 must compulsorily go through pre-medical tests to establish their health standards and be aware of the presence of existing illness if any.

health insurance plan

The pre-medical test is also done for individuals who opt for a health insurance plan ranging above Rs. 10,00,000. Although, nowadays the medical tests are made mandatory irrespective of the age or the cost cap the policyholder chooses. From this, the service provider estimates the sum of the average costs is not higher than the sum insured on the health insurance plan.

Types of Pre-medical tests conducted

Only basic and common medical tests are held when you opt for a health insurance plan. Some of which are mentioned below.

  • Blood cholesterol level
  • Blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Urine and stool testing
  • Complete blood count analysis
  • Lipid Profile
  • ECG
  • Thyroid test

These are some of the tests taken during the process of a health insurance plan. The cost of the following medical tests is shared by the policyholder and the health insurance provider. Most of the time to lower the burden of the policyholders, the service providers themselves bear the cost expense of the pre-medical tests performed.

Benefits of Pre-medical tests

Undergoing pre-medical tests has many benefits in-house for individuals who are interested in opting for a health insurance plan.

  • Know your current health status

The pre-medical tests are one of the best ways to know your current health status at a low rate. Also, knowing your existing health status will help you choose the right kind of health insurance plan that ideally covers your needs.

  • More discounts

By undergoing the set of pre-medical tests, you can also get the benefits of more discounts on the premium of your health insurance plan. If the applicant has lower health issues, then the insurance company provides them with more discounts and benefits.

  • Coverage for existing illness

When you go for pre-medical tests before choosing the health insurance plan, you can know which scheme gains more priority as per your health status. You can choose the one that covers your existing illness.

  • Lower chance for claim denial

When the policyholder chooses to go for pre-medical tests, the whole medical status is transparent to the insurance provider prior to opting for the health insurance plan. The chances of denying the claim when presented are very low because of such a status. The denial percentage is lowered because of the visibility of the health status of the policyholder.